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The Difference Between Soulmates and Life Partners

Soul Mate: Someone who is aligned with your soul and is sent to challenge, awaken and stir different parts of you in order for your soul to transcend to a higher level of consciousness and awareness.
Once the lesson has been learnt, physical separation usually occurs.

Life Partner: A companion, a friend, a stable and secure individual who you can lean on, trust and depend on to help you through life. There is a mutual feeling of love and respect and you are both in sync with each others needs and wants. 
Everyone wants to meet their Soulmate. In fact, one of the most common questions I receive in my readings and coaching sessions is- “When am I going to meet my Soulmate?”

We have many Soulmates in this life but their purpose is all the same- they are here to challenge and awaken us so our soul can evolve into a higher state of consciousness.
Our Soulmates always arrive when we are ready for them and not a moment sooner. They arrive when we are ready to learn the lessons that we were destined to fulfill.

Soulmate relationships are often not forever, this is because sometimes the relationship can be too intense or there is a certain karmic energy to the relationship that sees it come to a close once the necessary lessons have been learn.

Soulmates can also be friends and relatives; they don’t always have to be romantic partners. Regardless of this, you will always feel a strong, energetic connection or a past life history together.

Many of us spend years obsessing about meeting a Soulmate, but fail to notice what we are really asking for. When we ask for a Soulmate we are really asking to grow and develop in consciousness, and not understanding this can sometimes block the energy from coming to us.

If you really want to connect with a Soulmate, you need to align with your own soul. You need to discover who you are, honor yourself and begin following your heart. When you align with your true self, you are then instantly in the vibration of meeting your soul-mate.

Alternatively, if you are done with the soul lessons for now and are just looking for a companion to share the rest of your life with, what you want to be asking for, or manifesting is your Life Partner.

A Life Partner is more like a companion or friend that you feel a strong connection to. It may not be a deep, soul connection like a soul mate, but there would be a mutual feeling of trust, understanding and respect. A life partner is someone who is dependable and considerate of your needs and wants. Of course, a life partner is also someone that you are attracted to and that you love and care for.

While you will still be learning lessons from a life partner, they are more about lending support and giving you a guiding hand as you navigate through your own soul journey.
Meeting your Life Partner is usually not something you spiritually or energetically prepare yourself for like you would with a soulmate. Instead it requires emotional and mental preparation and physically putting yourself out there.

It is possible to have your Soulmate also be your Life Partner and it is also possible that you and your Life Partner can develop a deeper, soul connection- it all just depends on which direction you choose to steer.

Here are the different characteristics of each relationship:

Soulmate Relationship
  • You feel a deep, spiritual connection to this person almost like you have known them for a long time.
  • You have flashbacks or deja vu moments where you feel that you have been together before.
  • You seem to understand each other and have a similar way of thinking.
  • You may have similar flaws or habits, or you both had similar challenges during childhood.
  • Your connection is intense and so too is the relationship. Often it can move from extreme highs to extreme lows.
  • You feel in sync with each other even when you are not physically together. There may be a feeling of having to team up together to conquer something.
  • You know intuitively what the other is thinking or feeling. You feel very in-tune and connected with their thoughts and actions.
  • Your relationship is emotional, challenging and can bring things out in you that you didn’t know existed.
  • You may experience huge shifts and changes in your life when you first meet this person.
  • Your relationship may not last forever but the love is always there.
Life Partner Relationship
  • You feel attracted to each other physically and resonate with each others values.
  • You enjoy getting to know each other and learn about your differences and similarities- everything about each other feels new and exciting.
  • You get along like best friends- your relationship does not suffer from extremes.
  • Your relationship is based on logical or intellectual decisions.
  • You resonate with each others beliefs, ideas or religion/philosophy.
  • You both feel a sense of financial and emotional stability by being together.
  • Your relationship is based on being physically present and creating new memories.
  • You feel the need to marry or start a family in order to ‘cement’ your relationship.
At different times of our lives we will need and want different types of relationships. Neither is better or worse than the other, it is all a personal decision and one that you will feel guided to as long as you are following your heart.

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